Tag: Indepth

  • ADVOCATE NEWS: LGBT voters are dismayed at the election results

    ADVOCATE NEWS: LGBT voters are dismayed at the election results

    (For The Advocate/ by Orie Givens) As Ohio LGBT voters watched the returns, a mixture of disbelief and sadness could be heard in hushed conversations. For many LGBT people, especially LGBT people of color, the worst possible outcome happened: America elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. “They’re voting for goldfish… Read more

  • Ohio’s Pandemic Unemployment Conundrum

    During the pandemic, reporters were challenged to find creative ways to engage with audiences on important stories during lockdown. As the primary reporter covering unemployment for Spectrum News, I worked daily to identify angles, connect with affected Ohioans and hold state leadership accountable for issues that filers faced when trying to receive benefits. This was… Read more

  • Mental Health in Ohio

    This was a combination of MMJ work, studio talkback interview, and field interview featured on Spectrum News 1’s In Focus during Mental Health Awareness Month. This was the culmination of my month-long series exploring the state of mental health in Ohio, including an interview with Governor Mike Dewine. Read more

  • Exploring the Defunding Debate

    As calls for defunding the police mount in light of reports of continued police aggression and disinvestment from the public, I explore the argument behind the debate and why activists say its time for a change. This was an MMJ piece produced for broadcast for Spectrum News 1 Ohio. Read more

  • Protestors Want Columbus Mayor Out

    This feature story for Spectrum News 1 Ohio highlights the conflict over the mayor’s response to social justice protests in solidarity with the case of George Floyd, and how the police have violently engaged with protestors. I wrote, edited, captured video and voiced this piece for broadcast. Read more